
Just after I graduated from university, I became very ill. I've had mental health issues for a long as I can remember, but this was a full-on totally debilitating burn out after years of stress and trying to do too much. Everything changed after this, my ability to work (gone) my physical and mental health (gone) and my plans for the future (you guessed it!) For a long time I tried to get back to how I was, to be able to do all the things I thought I should be able to do, to be a 'normal adult' again. Unfortunately, that hasn't been possible. However, I have been able to keep thinking and writing and building up my knowledge of mental health, sociology and women's studies, and have continued to be a voracious reader. Basically I needed a place to put all these musings and thoughts and analysis and use that academic brain I worked so hard to develop, alongside trying to build up my own business making self care packages (shameless plug for my Etsy shop StoryBookCafeGifts) and doing all sorts of other fun, frustrating and difficult things to figure out what my life can be, now that things are very different. Hopefully you'll find this helpful, interesting, maybe even thought provoking and funny?

This blog contains an assortment of serious, socio-political discussions around mental health, society, gender, and social policy, bad puns, cute illustrations, pictures of my cat, dark, dark, dark humour and any advice I think could be helpful for anyone else who's found themselves to be a little bit 'touched', off with the fairies, waltzes to their own tune, batshit crazy, slightly mental, a bit weird......or has any kind of mental illness, health issues, disabilities or just likes cats and books lots.

I hope you find something for you here, but if not, go check out another blog there's bloody loads of them, go forth and find your people! And be kind. It's just a really good idea.


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